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The Two Loops Theory of Organizational Change is a model that Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze from the Berkana Institute first pointed at in their paper, “Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale.” It helps us understand the various places to intervene within a system in need of change. It is a cyclical and evolutionary model that offers different ways to interpret and make sense of organizational change models, frameworks and strategies, as well as make visible the transformation possibilities within a system. It is a model inspired by looking at the growth and decline cycle of living systems.


This tool is useful in complex organisational change processes. It recognizes that within any system there will always be a flow from the old into the new as all systems go through lifecycles. It provides us with insights into the simultaneous growth ( germination, innovation, maturation, and rejuvenation and decline stagnation, disintegration, and decomposition) process that happen within a system during a transition period. 


The Two Loops model can also help identify key players within the change process. It can encourage insights into practices that can help with the composting of the old system. It can also generate ideas on who to connect with and invite for deep practice and integration of the emergent system. It encourages more compassionate approaches on how to attend to growth and decline in organizations.


This 9 page facilitator's guide will give you a deeper understanding of the Two loops Model and how you can use it for yourself, your team, organization or community. 


* I offer the facilitator's guides on different levels - some guides are free and others are offered for a small amount to sustain the upkeep of this platform. If in anyway, finances are getting in the way of you using these guides for your community work, please do connect with me. 


FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Two Loops Model (Berkana Institute)

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